
Somnambulator Som*nam"bu*la`tor, n. A somnambulist.

Syn: sleepwalker. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • somnambulator — 1822, agent noun in Latin form from SOMNAMBULATE (Cf. somnambulate) …   Etymology dictionary

  • somnambulator — n. sleepwalker, one who walks while asleep …   English contemporary dictionary

  • somnambulator — somnamˈbūlātor or somnamˈbūle noun A sleepwalker • • • Main Entry: ↑somnambulance …   Useful english dictionary

  • Somnambulist — Som*nam bu*list, n. A person who is subject to somnambulism; one who walks in his sleep; a sleepwalker; a noctambulist. Syn: somnambulator. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • somnambulate — verb To walk while sleeping. Syn: sleepwalk See Also: somnambular, somnambulation, somnambulator, somnambulism, somnambulist, somnambulistic …   Wiktionary

  • somnambulist — n. Sleep walker, night walker, noctambulist, somnambulator, somnambule …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • nightwalker — n 1. noctambulist, noctambule, sleepwalker, somnambulist, somnambulator. 2. thief, burglar, housebreaker, robber; Inf. second story man, cat burglar, sneak thief, prowler; Sl. cracksman, safecracker, picklock, Raffles. 3. prostitute, whore,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • noctambulist — n sleepwalker, noctambule, somnambulist, somnambulator, somnambulant. See alsonightwalker …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • somnambulist — n sleepwalker, noctambulist, noc tambule, somnambule, somnambulator, Rare. night walker …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • somnambulate — [c]/sɒmˈnæmbjəleɪt/ (say som nambyuhlayt) verb (somnambulated, somnambulating) –verb (i) 1. to walk during sleep, as a somnambulist does. –verb (t) 2. to traverse during sleep. {Latin somnus sleep + ambulate (from Latin ambulātus, past participle …  

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