- Biconjugate
- Biconjugate Bi*con"ju*gate, a. [Pref. bi- + conjugate, a.] (Bot.) Twice paired, as when a petiole forks twice. --Gray. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
biconjugate — (ˈ)bī+ adjective Etymology: from (assumed) New Latin biconjugatus, from New Latin bi (I) + Latin conjugatus joined together more at conjugate : twice paired (as when each branch of a forking petiole bears a pair of leaflets) * * * biconjugate, a … Useful english dictionary
Biconjugate gradient method — In mathematics, more specifically in numerical analysis, the biconjugate gradient method is an algorithm to solve systems of linear equations :A x= b.,Unlike the conjugate gradient method, this algorithm does not require the matrix A to be self… … Wikipedia
biconjugate — adjective a) paired twice b) conjugate in two ways … Wiktionary
biconjugate — bi·conjugate … English syllables
biconjugate — a. Botany, having a pair each member of which is divided into a pair … Dictionary of difficult words
Convex conjugate — In mathematics, convex conjugation is a generalization of the Legendre transformation. It is also known as Legendre–Fenchel transformation or Fenchel transformation (after Adrien Marie Legendre and Werner Fenchel). Contents 1 Definition 2… … Wikipedia
Система линейных алгебраических уравнений — Система m линейных алгебраических уравнений с n неизвестными (или, линейная система, также употребляется аббревиатура СЛАУ) в линейной алгебре это система уравнений вида (1) … Википедия
Conjugate gradient method — A comparison of the convergence of gradient descent with optimal step size (in green) and conjugate vector (in red) for minimizing a quadratic function associated with a given linear system. Conjugate gradient, assuming exact arithmetic,… … Wikipedia
IML++ — IML++, or the Iterative Methods Library, is a C++ library for solving linear systems of equations. It is said to be templated in the sense that the same source code works for dense, sparse, and distributed matrices.Some of the supported solutions … Wikipedia
Méthode du gradient biconjugué — En mathématiques, plus spécifiquement en analyse numérique, la méthode du gradient biconjugué est un algorithme permettant de résoudre un système d équations linéaires Contrairement à la méthode du gradient conjugué, cet algorithme ne nécessite… … Wikipédia en Français