- Unciform
- Unciform Un"ci*form, n. (Anat.) The unciform bone. See Illust. of {Perissodactyla}. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
unciform — uncifórm adj. m., pl. uncifórmi; f. sg. uncifórmă, pl. uncifórme Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic UNCIFÓRM, Ă adj. În formă de cârlig, de gheară. [< fr. unciforme] … Dicționar Român
unciform — [un′si fôrm΄] adj. [ModL unciformis < L uncus, a hook (see UNCUS) + formis, FORM] 1. hook shaped 2. Anat. a) designating or of a hook shaped bone in the distal row of the wrist, on the same side as the ulna b) designating a hooked process on… … English World dictionary
Unciform — Un ci*form, a. [L. uncus a hook + form.] Having the shape of a hook; being of a curved or hooked from; hooklike. [1913 Webster] {Unciform bone} (Anat.), a bone of the carpus at the bases of the fourth and fifth metacarpals; the hamatum. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unciform — SYN: uncinate. [L. uncus, hook, + forma, form] * * * un·ci·form ən(t) sə .fȯrm adj hook shaped: UNCINATE unciform n HAMATE * * * un·ci·form (unґsĭ form) [unc … Medical dictionary
Unciform bone — Unciform Un ci*form, a. [L. uncus a hook + form.] Having the shape of a hook; being of a curved or hooked from; hooklike. [1913 Webster] {Unciform bone} (Anat.), a bone of the carpus at the bases of the fourth and fifth metacarpals; the hamatum.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unciform bone — n HAMATE * * * see hamate bone * * * uncinate bone os hamatum … Medical dictionary
unciform process — noun 1. : the hamulus of the hamatum 2. : the uncinate process of the ethmoid bone * * * unciform process, Anatomy. 1. the process projecting from the palmar surface of the hamate bone. 2. a hook shaped process of the ethmoid bone … Useful english dictionary
unciform — adjective Etymology: New Latin unciformis, from Latin uncus hook + formis form more at angle Date: circa 1734 hook shaped ; uncinate … New Collegiate Dictionary
unciform — adj. [L. uncus, hook; forma, shape] Hook shaped … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
unciform — /un seuh fawrm /, adj. hook shaped. [1725 35; < NL unciformis, equiv. to L unc(us) a hook, barb (c. Gk ónkos) + i I + formis FORM] * * * … Universalium