Cereus giganteus

Cereus giganteus
Cereus Ce"re*us, n. [L., a wax candle, fr. cera wax. So named from the resemblance of one species to the columnar shape of a wax candle.] (Bot.) A genus of plants of the Cactus family. They are natives of America, from California to Chili. [1913 Webster]

Note: Although several species flower in the night, the name {Night-blooming cereus} is specially applied to the {Cereus grandiflorus}, which is cultivated for its beautiful, shortlived flowers. The {Cereus giganteus}, whose columnar trunk is sometimes sixty feet in height, is a striking feature of the scenery of New Mexico, Texas, etc. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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