
osmosis os*mo"sis ([o^]z*m[=o]"s[i^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr. 'wsmo`s, equiv. to 'w^sis impulse, fr. 'wqei^n to push.] (Chemical Physics) (a) The tendency in fluids to mix, or become equably diffused, when in contact. It was first observed between fluids of differing densities, and as taking place through a membrane or an intervening porous structure. An older term for the phenomenon was {Osmose}.

Note: The more rapid flow from the thinner to the thicker fluid was then called {endosmosis} (formerly {endosmose}), and the opposite, slower current, {exosmosis} (formerly {exosmose}). Both are, however, results of the same force. Osmosis may be regarded as a form of molecular attraction, allied to that of adhesion. See also {osmotic pressure}. (b) The action produced by this tendency. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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