- Hematoxylin
- Hematoxylin \Hem`a*tox"y*lin\, n. H[ae]matoxylin. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
hematoxylin — [hē΄mə täk′sə lin΄, hem΄ətäk′sə lin΄] n. [ H(A)EMATOXYL(ON) + IN1] a colorless, crystalline compound, C16H14O6·3H2O, extracted from logwood and used as an indicator and a stain in microscopy: when oxidized it yields hematein dye … English World dictionary
hematoxylin — hematoksilinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Indikatorius. formulė C₁₆H₁₄O₆ atitikmenys: angl. hematoxylin rus. гематоксилин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hematoxylin-eosin stain — a mixture of hematoxylin in distilled water and aqueous eosin, usually eosin Y, solution, widely employed for routine examination of tissues; numerous variations are employed in execution of the stain. Hematoxylin eosin stain showing a glandular… … Medical dictionary
hematoxylin — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from New Latin Haematoxylon, plant genus Date: circa 1847 a crystalline phenolic compound C16H14O6 found in logwood and used chiefly in biological staining … New Collegiate Dictionary
hematoxylin — hematoxylic /hee meuh tok sil ik, hem euh /, adj. /hee meuh tok seuh lin, hem euh /, n. a colorless or pale yellow, crystalline compound, C16H14O63H2O, the coloring material of logwood: used as a mordant dye and as an indicator. [1840 50; HEMATO… … Universalium
hematoxylin — noun A phenolic compound having the chemical formula CHO, used to make dye for staining tissue samples. Extracted from the heart of the logwood tree, Haematoxylum campechianum … Wiktionary
hematoxylin — A crystalline compound, containing the coloring matter of Haematoxylon campechianum (logwood), from which it is obtained by extraction with ether. It is used as a dye in histology, especially for cell nuclei and chromosomes, muscle cross… … Medical dictionary
hematoxylin — n. crystalline substance obtained from logwood and used in the production of various dyes and stains (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
hematoxylin — he·ma·tox·y·lin … English syllables
hematoxylin — he•ma•tox•y•lin [[t]ˌhi məˈtɒk sə lɪn[/t]] n. chem. a colorless or pale yellow, crystalline compound, C16H14O6•3H2O, the coloring material of logwood: used as a mordant dye and as an indicator • Etymology: 1840–50; hemato + Gkxýl(on)wood + in I… … From formal English to slang