
Ichnite Ich"nite, n. [Gr. 'i`chnos track, footstep.] A fossil footprint; as, the ichnites in the Triassic sandstone. --Page.

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • ichnite — [ik′nō līt΄ik′nīt΄] n. [ ICHN(O) + ITE1] a fossil footprint: also ichnolite [ik′nō līt΄] …   English World dictionary

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  • Ichnite — An ichnite (Greek ιχνιον ( ichnion ) a track, trace or footstep) is a fossilised footprint. This is a type of trace fossil. Over the years, many ichnites have been found, around the world, giving important clues about the behaviour (and foot… …   Wikipedia

  • ichnite — noun A fossilized footprint or track of an animal …   Wiktionary

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  • ichnite — /ˈɪknaɪt/ (say iknuyt) noun a fossil footprint. {Greek ichnos track + ite1} …  

  • ichnite —   n. fossil footprint …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • ichnite — ˈikˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: ichn + ite : a fossil footprint …   Useful english dictionary

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