jackanapes — mid 15c., a monkey, also an impertinent, conceited fellow; apparently from Jack of Naples, but whether this is some specific personification or folk etymology of JACK (Cf. jack) (n.) + APE (Cf. ape) is unknown. See note in OED … Etymology dictionary
jackanapes — [jak′ə nāps΄] n. [ME Jac Napes, nickname of William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk (1396 1450), whose badge was a clog and a chain like a tame ape s] 1. Archaic a monkey 2. a conceited, insolent, presumptuous fellow 3. a pert, mischievous child … English World dictionary
jackanapes — noun Etymology: Middle English Jack Napis, nickname for William de la Pole died 1450 duke of Suffolk Date: 1526 1. monkey, ape 2. a. an impudent or conceited fellow b. a saucy or mischievous child … New Collegiate Dictionary
jackanapes — /jak euh nayps /, n. 1. an impertinent, presumptuous person, esp. a young man; whippersnapper. 2. an impudent, mischievous child. 3. Archaic. an ape or monkey. [1400 50; late ME Jakken apes, lit., jack (i.e., man) of the ape, nickname of William… … Universalium
jackanapes — noun An impudent or mischievous person … Wiktionary
jackanapes — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. wiseacre, whippersnapper, coxcomb, scamp; see rascal … English dictionary for students
jackanapes — A cocky person … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
jackanapes — jack·a·napes || dʒækÉ™neɪps n. impudent person, upstart, whippersnapper; mischievous child … English contemporary dictionary
jackanapes — [ dʒakəneɪps] noun 1》 dated an impertinent person. 2》 archaic a tame monkey. Origin C16 (orig. as Jack Napes): perh. from a playful name for a tame ape, the initial n by elision of an ape … English new terms dictionary
jackanapes — n. [Written also Jackanape.] 1. Monkey. See ape. 2. Beau, fop, dandy. See jack a dandy … New dictionary of synonyms