1Break Point , Джеймс Паттерсон (2016)
James Patterson&# 039;s BookShots. Short, fast-paced, high-impact entertainment. One point away from winning the French Open, tennis star Kirsten Keller breaks down and flees the court in tears… 79 грн (только Украина)2Rules to Break and Laws to Follow. How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism , Don Peppers
Praise for Rules to Break&Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism«A fascinating, highly readable synthesis of business principles, technology, sociology and common… 2883.85 руб электронная книга3Roman Britain: A Very Short Introduction , Salway Peter (2015)
For four centuries Britain was an integral part of the Roman Empire, a political system stretching from Turkey to Portugal and from the Red Sea to the Tyne and beyond. Its involvement with Rome… 493 руб4The Break , Grossi Pietro (2013)
Dino is a placid, unambitious man. Living in a small provincial town, his only passion is billiards - he spends his evenings in the local billiards parlor honing his technique. One day, however, his… 696 руб5The Complete Children’s Short Stories , Kipling, Rudyard (2005)
The Jungle Book introduces Shere Khan the tiger, Bagheera the black panther, Baloo the sleepy brown bear and Mowgli, the boy foundling adopted by a family of wolves. How did the Leopard get his… 1250 руб6The Break , Grossi Pietro (2013)
Dino is a placid, unambitious man. Living in a small provincial town, his only passion is billiards - he spends his evenings in the local billiards parlor honing his technique. One day, however, his… 900 грн (только Украина)7Train Your Brain For Success. Read Smarter, Remember More, and Break Your Own Records , Roger Seip
Train your mind to achieve new levels of success! Professionals and entrepreneurs do a great job of keeping up appearances. But if they're honest with themselves, they're short on living the life… 1622.74 руб электронная книга8Christmas Magic , Cathy Kelly (2012)
A festive collection of short stories by№ 1 bestseller, Cathy Kelly, the natural heir to Maeve Binchy. Lose yourself in a warm and wonderful collection of short stories from bestselling Irish… 369.5 руб9Problem Solving: University Foundation Study Course Book: Module 5: Problem Solving , Amanda Fava-Verde (2006)
Transferable Academic Skills Kit: Module 5: Problem-Solving The Garnet Education Transferable Academic Skill Kit was short-listed for the Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union English Language… 608 руб10Get to Grips with English Grammar , Simpson Ron (2011)
The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. English Grammar is a short… 1063 руб