Copyhold land
1Copyhold — Main article: Feudal land tenure At its origin in medieval England, copyhold tenure was tenure of land according to the custom of the manor, the title deeds being a copy of the record of the manorial court. The privileges granted to each tenant,… …
2copyhold — /kop ee hohld /, n. 1. (formerly) a type of ownership of land in England, evidenced by a copy of the manor roll establishing the title. 2. an estate held under such ownership. [1400 50; late ME; see COPY, HOLD1] * * * In English law, a form of… …
3Copyhold — Cop y*hold , n. (Eng. Law) (a) A tenure of estate by copy of court roll; or a tenure for which the tenant has nothing to show, except the rolls made by the steward of the lord s court. Blackstone. (b) Land held in copyhold. Milton. [1913 Webster] …
4Copyhold — Land held of the lord of a *manor but according to local custom custom being defined and recorded in the manorial court records. The copy referred to the manorial record of which a copy might be held; or referral could be made to the original. By …
5copyhold — In England a species of estate at will, or customary estate, the only visible title to which consisted of the copies of the court rolls, which were made out by the steward of the manor, on a tenant s being admitted to any parcel of land, or… …
6copyhold — In England a species of estate at will, or customary estate, the only visible title to which consisted of the copies of the court rolls, which were made out by the steward of the manor, on a tenant s being admitted to any parcel of land, or… …
7copyhold — noun Date: 15th century 1. a former tenure of land in England and Ireland by right of being recorded in the court of the manor 2. an estate held by copyhold …
8copyhold — cop•y•hold [[t]ˈkɒp iˌhoʊld[/t]] n. 1) why (formerly) a type of ownership of land in England, evidenced by a copy of the manor roll establishing the title 2) why an estate held in copyhold • Etymology: 1400–50 …
9copyhold — n. tenure of manor land at will of lord of manor; land so held. ♦ copyholder, n. holder of such land …
10copyhold — /ˈkɒpihoʊld/ (say kopeehohld) noun (formerly, in England) 1. a type of ownership of land, evidenced by a copy of the manorial court roll establishing the title. 2. land held in this way …