1Decide. Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example , Steve McClatchy
How to make better decisions and achieve your goals What shapes a person's career and life, and defines them as a leader? Their decisions. We all want to be more productive and deliver our best… 1498.71 руб электронная книга2So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?. How to decide if starting a business is really for you , Jon Gillespie-Brown
Jon Gillespie Brown brings his extensive mentoring experience to bear in this new handbook for would-be entrepreneurs. So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur? contains a series of mentoring sessions, each… 1947.28 руб электронная книга3You2Uni: Decide, Prepare, Apply , Stella Cottrell (2012)
You2Uni is the ideal book for those thinking about going to university after school or college. Through illustrations of student life and practical activities and discussion points, You2Uni helps you… 1958 руб4Социо-правовые исследования назначения наказаний в США и опыт реформ. Рецензия на книгу: Cassia Spohn. How do Judges Decide? The Searchfor Fairness and Justice in Punishment. 2nd ed. Arizona State University, 2009 , И. В. Четверикова (2015)
Традиция социальных исследований принятия судьями решений о назначении наказаний осужденным (sentencing research)… 5.99 руб электронная книга5Un giorno diverso , Dominici Marco (2008)
Un giorno diverso (A2-B1) racconta una giornata indimenticabile di un comune impiegato. Pietro, che un bel giorno decide di voler cambiare completamente vita. Nonostante cambiar vita non sia facile… 415 руб6Un giorno diverso (+ CD) (+ Audio CD) , Dominici M. (2009)
Un giorno diverso (A2-B1) racconta una giornata indimenticabile di un comune impiegato. Pietro, che un bel giorno decide di voler cambiare completamente vita. Nonostante cambiar vita non sia facile… 604 руб7Pearls and Pitfalls in Musculoskeletal Imaging. Variants and Other Difficult Diagnoses (2013)
When a radiological image includes unfamiliar features, how do you decide whether it is normal variation or pathological abnormality? If you decide an abnormality is present, can you make a diagnosis… 8727 руб8Five Short Plays , Ford Martyn (2008)
What do you do if you have a boring job in a restaurant, serving fast food to people who have no time to eat? Smile, and do your best? Perhaps it's better to find a place where time doesn't matter so… 438 руб9Lego DC Super Heroes. Race Around the World (2016)
Superman and The Flash can&# 039;t decide who is faster. So they decide to have a race across the world! But will a bunch of super-villains and their dastardly deeds get in the way of finding out who… 160 грн (только Украина)10The Right Thing. Level 5 (+ Audio CD) , Lauder Scott (2015)
When Josh meets Trish and Suzi at their first day of college in London, little do they know that they will soon be swept up into a mystery involving the British and Yolandan governments. Luckily for… 749 руб