Deprive of color

  • 71XIIIe amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis — États Unis Cet article fait partie de la série : Constitution des États Unis Préambule Articles de la Constitution …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 72XIIIe amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis d'Amérique — XIIIe amendement de la Constitution des États Unis États Unis Cet article fait partie de la série : Constitution des États Unis Préambule Articles de la Constitution …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 73darken — Synonyms and related words: attaint, bandage, beat down, becloud, bedarken, bedaub, bedazzle, bedim, befog, begloom, bemist, benight, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, bestain, black, black out, blacken, blackwash, blanch, blind, blind the eyes,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 74drain — Synonyms and related words: abate, ablate, ablation, abrade, abridge, absorb, absorption, abstract, abuse, achromatize, acquire, air dry, anhydrate, assimilate, assimilation, attrition, bake, bankrupt, bate, bereave, blackmail, blanch, bleach,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 75taking for public use — Entering upon private property for more than a momentary period and, under the warrant or color of legal authority, devoting it to a public use, or otherwise informally appropriating or injuriously affecting it in such a way as substantially to… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 76POLAND — POLAND, republic in E. Central Europe; the kingdom of Poland and the grand duchy of Lithuania united formally (Poland Lithuania) in 1569. This article is arranged according to the following outline: the early settlements jewish legal status… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 77Deaf and dumb — Dumb Dumb, a. [AS. dumb; akin to D. dom stupid, dumb, Sw. dumb, Goth. dumbs; cf. Gr. ? blind. See {Deaf}, and cf. {Dummy}.] 1. Destitute of the power of speech; unable; to utter articulate sounds; as, the dumb brutes. [1913 Webster] To unloose… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 78Dieffenbachia seguina — Dumb Dumb, a. [AS. dumb; akin to D. dom stupid, dumb, Sw. dumb, Goth. dumbs; cf. Gr. ? blind. See {Deaf}, and cf. {Dummy}.] 1. Destitute of the power of speech; unable; to utter articulate sounds; as, the dumb brutes. [1913 Webster] To unloose… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 79Dumb — Dumb, a. [AS. dumb; akin to D. dom stupid, dumb, Sw. dumb, Goth. dumbs; cf. Gr. ? blind. See {Deaf}, and cf. {Dummy}.] 1. Destitute of the power of speech; unable; to utter articulate sounds; as, the dumb brutes. [1913 Webster] To unloose the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 80Dumb ague — Dumb Dumb, a. [AS. dumb; akin to D. dom stupid, dumb, Sw. dumb, Goth. dumbs; cf. Gr. ? blind. See {Deaf}, and cf. {Dummy}.] 1. Destitute of the power of speech; unable; to utter articulate sounds; as, the dumb brutes. [1913 Webster] To unloose… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English