Deprived of friend or kindred

  • 21Cestui que — Wills, trusts and estates …


  • 22Félix Martin — (b. 4 October 1804, in Auray, Morbihan ; d. in Vaugirard, Paris, 25 November 1886) was an antiquary, historiographer, architect, and educationist. Contents 1 Early life and work 2 Work in Canada 3 Return to France …


  • 23humour — /hyooh meuhr/, n., v.t., Chiefly Brit. humor. Usage. See or1. * * * I (Latin; fluid ) In early Western physiological theory, one of the four body fluids thought to determine a person s temperament and features. As hypothesized by Galen, the four… …


  • 24Felix Martin —     Felix Martin     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Felix Martin     Antiquary, historiographer, architect, educationist, b. 4 October, 1804, at Auray, seat of the famous shrine of St. Ann in Brittany, France; d. at Vaugirard, Paris, 25 November, 1886 …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 25Thomas Watson (bishop of Lincoln) — Thomas Watson (1515–1584) was a Catholic Bishop, notable among Catholics for his descriptions of the Protestant Reformation. Contents 1 Early life 2 Absalom 3 Academic career and the purging of undercover Papists …
