
  • 11detonate — v 1. explode, go off, fulminate, blow up, Archaic. displode; burst, Inf. bust, break open, fly apart; bang, blast, boom, roar, thunder, clap. 2. set off, Obs. detonize; discharge, shoot, fire. 3. ignite, kindle, light, spark; start, give rise to …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 12flare — v 1. burn unsteadily, blaze, flame; flash, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, gleam, fulgurate, glitter twinkle, flicker, glisten, Archaic. glister, glimmer, flut ter, shimmer; glow, phosphoresce, incandesce; radiate, illuminate. 2. burst forth,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 13shoot — v 1. hit, wound, hurt, harm, damage, injure; shoot down, bring down, drop, fell; riddle, Sl. pump full of lead, Sl. zap, pick off; kill, slay, Sl. knock off, Sl. snuff out. 2. send forth, discharge, fire or fire off, let fly, let off, eject;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder