1Ethnic Dermatology. Principles and Practice , Antoine Petit
Ethnic Dermatology Principles and Practice Edited by Ophelia E. Dadzie, MB BS, MRCP, Centre for Clinical Science and Technology, University College London, Division of Medicine, Whittington Hospital… 16988.38 руб электронная книга2Ethnic Conflicts in the Baltic States in Post-soviet Period , Сборник статей (2013)
This collection of articles concerns the consideration of the causes, forms of existence and mechanisms of realisation of ethnic conflicts in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in 1991–2013 The articles… 176 руб электронная книга3The Post-Black and Post-White Church. Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World , Efrem Smith
A blueprint for missional, multi-ethnic Christian community Efrem Smith, an internationally recognized and innovative African-American leader, offers a workable plan for connecting theology… 1622.74 руб электронная книга4Adoptees'Ethnic Identity Within Family and Social Contexts. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 150 , Rosa Rosnati
This special issue addresses the construction of ethnic identity among international transracial adoptees, which typically involve the placement of Black, Asian, Hispanic, or Multiracial children… 2238.84 руб электронная книга5Immigrant Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Canada, Taiwan, and the United States
As a result of international immigration, ethnic diversity has increased rapidly in many countries, not only in major cities, but also in smaller cities. This trend is not limited to the traditional… 3773 руб6Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church. Mandate, Commitments and Practices of a Diverse Congregation , Mark DeYmaz
Through personal stories, proven experience and a thorough analysis of the biblical text, Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church illustrates both the biblical mandate for the multi-ethnic church as… 1622.74 руб электронная книга7Health and Wellness Concerns for Racial, Ethnic, and Sexual Minorities. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 142 , Tonette Rocco S.
Minority status in the United States often accompanies diminished access to education, employment, and subsequently health care. This volume explores factors that have contributed to health… 2238.84 руб электронная книга8Набор для создания браслетов "Ethnic" (02435) (2016)
Набор для создания браслета. В наборе: 2 гибких силиконовых браслета с перфорацией, 2 безопасных пластиковых… 405 руб9Набор для украшения сумочек "Ethnic" (04078) (2018)
Ручная работа или "хэндмейд", -это не просто оригинальный стиль. Это современный тренд. Это возможность… 1097 руб10Microaggressions and Marginality. Manifestation, Dynamics, and Impact , Derald Sue Wing
A landmark volume exploring covert bias, prejudice, and discrimination with hopeful solutions for their eventual dissolution Exploring the psychological dynamics of unconscious and unintentional… 4292.61 руб электронная книга