Firing of guns
1Guns Don't Argue — is a composite of three re edited episodes from the 1952 TV series Gangbusters . The film was released to theatres in 1957 as a feature film which was produced by William Faris, directed by Bill Karn Richard Kahn. The film s taglines were ... and …
2firing — n. 1 the discharging of guns. 2 material for a fire, fuel. 3 the heating process which hardens clay into pottery etc. Phrases and idioms: firing line 1 the front line in a battle. 2 the leading part in an activity etc. firing party a group… …
3firing range — noun a practice range for target practice (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑target range • Hypernyms: ↑practice range • Hyponyms: ↑rocket range, ↑shooting gallery, ↑shooting r …
4firing — n. 1. Kindling, setting on fire. 2. Discharge (of guns), firing off. 3. Fuel, something to burn. 4. Cautery …
5Ricochet firing — Ricochet Ric o*chet , n. [F.] A rebound or skipping, as of a ball along the ground when a gun is fired at a low angle of elevation, or of a fiat stone thrown along the surface of water. [1913 Webster] {Ricochet firing} (Mil.), the firing of guns… …
6Antique guns — An Antique Firearm is, loosely speaking, a firearm designed and manufactured prior to the beginning of the 20th century the Boer War is often used as a cut off event, although the exact definition of what constitutes an Antique Firearm varies… …
7Quick-firing gun — A quick firing gun (in U.S. parlance, rapid firing ) is an artillery piece, typically a gun or howitzer, which has several characteristics which taken together mean the weapon can fire at a fast rate.Quick firing was introduced worldwide in the… …
8Corrected firing data — was a term used in the U.S. Coast Artillery to refer to firing data (range and azimuth to the target) that had been corrected[1] for various non standard conditions. This could include corrections to range and corrections to azimuth or deflection …
9Rapid-firing — Rapid fire Rap id fire , Rapid firing Rap id fir ing, a. (a) (Gun.) Firing shots in rapid succession. (b) (Ordnance) Capable of being fired rapidly; applied to single barreled guns of greater caliber than small arms, mounted so as to be quickly… …
10M231 Firing Port Weapon — Submachine Gun, 5.56mm: Port, Firing, M231 Line drawing Type Firing Port Weapon/Assault rifle Place of origin …