Hydraulic press

  • 21Hydraulic lime — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 22Hydraulic limestone — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 23Hydraulic main — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 24Hydraulic mining — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 25Hydraulic propeller — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 26Hydraulic ram — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 27Hydraulic valve — Hydraulic Hy*drau lic, a. [F. hydraulique, L. hydraulicus, fr. Gr. ?, ?, a water organ; y dwr water + ? flute, pipe. See {Hydra}.] Of or pertaining to hydraulics, or to fluids in motion; conveying, or acting by, water; as, an hydraulic clock,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 28Press — may refer to:In publishing: * The press, otherwise known as the journalism business, the newspaper business, the news media, the Fourth Estate or the mass media * A press, publishing house or printer (publisher) * Printing press, a machine that… …


  • 29hydraulic — adj. 1 (of water, oil, etc.) conveyed through pipes or channels usu. by pressure. 2 (of a mechanism etc.) operated by liquid moving in this manner (hydraulic brakes; hydraulic lift). 3 of or concerned with hydraulics (hydraulic engineer). 4… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 30hydraulic brake — noun brake system in which a brake pedal moves a piston in the master cylinder; brake fluid then applies great force to the brake pads or shoes • Syn: ↑hydraulic brakes • Hypernyms: ↑brake system, ↑brakes • Hyponyms: ↑disk brake, ↑disc brake …

    Useful english dictionary