In part

  • 81PART Seventeen of the Constitution of India — Part XVII consists of Articles on Official Language Chapter IArticles 343 344 on Language of the Union Articles 343 344 Official Language of the Union Chapter IIArticles 345 347 on Regional Languages Articles 345 347 on Language of the State… …


  • 82PART Eighteen of the Constitution of India — Part XVIII consists of Articles on Emergency Provisions Articles 352 359 on Emergency Provisions Article 359A Repealed Replaced by the Constitution (Sixty third Amendment) Act, 1989, s. 3 (w.e.f. 6 1 1990).Article 360 on Provisions as to… …


  • 83PART Nineteen of the Constitution of India — Part XIX Miscellaneous Articles 361 361A Miscellaneous Article 362 Repealed Replaced by the Constitution (Twenty sixth Amendment) Act, 1971, s. 2. Articles 363 367 Miscellaneous …


  • 84PART Twenty of the Constitution of India — Part XX consists of Articles on Amendment of the Constitution Articles 368 on the Power of parliament to amend the constitution and procedure therefor …


  • 85Pärt Uusberg — (born 1991) is an Estonian actor. He played as Joosep in the film The Class . External links *IMDb|2596976 …


  • 86Part-of-speech tagging — (POS tagging o POST), también llamado etiquetado gramatical, es el proceso de asignar (o etiquetar) a cada una de las palabras de un texto su categoría gramatical. Este proceso se puede realizar en base a la definición de la palabra o el contexto …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 87Part. ae. — Part. ae., Abbreviatur auf Recepten für Partes aequales …

    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • 88Part-Dieu — (la), ehemaliges Karthäuserkloster im Bezirk Greierz des Schweizercantons Freiburg, am Moléson; 1307 gestiftet, brannte 1800 nieder, wiederaufgebaut wurde es 1848 aufgehoben …

    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • 89Part [1] — Part (v. lat. pars), Teil, Anteil; Schiffspart (s. d.) …

    Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • 90Part [2] — Part, im Seewesen: an einem Takel der von einer Scheibe bis zur nächsten reichende Teil des durchgeschornen Taues (stehen der P., Holpart; vgl. Gut, S. 541) …

    Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon