Indelicate pun
1double-entendre — n. [English coinage for French double entente.] 1. Pun, équivoque, quirk, quibble, calembour, play upon words, paronomasia. 2. Indelicate pun, smutty équivoque …
2Double entendre — An 1814 engraving of a double entendre. He: My sweet honey, I hope you are to be let with the Lodgins! She: No, sir, I am to be let alone. A double entendre (French pronunciation: [dublɑ̃tɑ̃dʁə]) or adianoeta[1] is a figure of speech in …
3The Country Wife — is a Restoration comedy written in 1675 by William Wycherley. A product of the tolerant early Restoration period, the play reflects an aristocratic and anti Puritan ideology, and was controversial for its sexual explicitness even in its own time …
4PENTATEUCH — This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction definition outline contents and structure the primeval history the patriarchs the exodus Sinai/Horeb Covenant and Laws the journey Moses Farewell the authors doublets and… …