1Alcohol and Drug Misuse. A Cochrane Handbook , Iosief Abraha
There is constant pressure for clinicians to practise evidence-based medicine. Cochrane Reviews are an important source of the evidence which informs clinical decisions but can still require… 4320.17 руб электронная книга2Horrible Words: A Guide to the Misuse of English , Ребекка Гауэрс (2016)
Nothing inflames the language gripers like a misplaced disinterested, an illogical irregardless, a hideous operationalisation. To purists these are&# 039;howlers&# 039; and&# 039;non-words&# 039… 391 грн (только Украина)3The Use and Misuse of Psychiatric Drugs. An Evidence-Based Critique , Joel Paris
Dr. Paris has written an honest, balanced presentation of the ways in which psychiatric drugs are evaluated and prescribed. He highlights the complexity of the task, the limits of what is known and… 4994.38 руб электронная книга4Biostatistics (+ CD-ROM) , Norman Geoffrey R. (2008)
This book translates biostatistics in the health sciences literature with clarity and irreverence. Students and practitioners alike applaud Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials as the practical guide… 2074 руб5ABC of Alcohol , Anne McCune
The misuse of alcohol presents both individual physical and psychological problems as well as wider social consequences. Alcohol misuse is a frequent cause of attendance in accident and emergency… 2637.38 руб электронная книга6The Curmudgeon's Guide to Getting Ahead , Charles Murray (2014)
Bestselling social historian Charles Murray has written a delightfully fussy -- and entertaining -- book on the hidden rules of the road in the workplace, and in life, from the standpoint of an… 969 руб7Skippy Dies , Пол Мюррей (2011)
От издателя:And so begins this epic, tragic, comic, brilliant novel set in and around Dublin&# 039;s Seabrook College for Boys. Principally concerning the lives, loves, mistakes and… 320 грн (только Украина)8Sign Language. 20 Postcards From The Daily Telegraph. Postcard book (2015)
Twenty different postcards featuring the most inappropriate, confusing, poorly translated and mind-bogglingly bizarre signs from around the world. Few things amuse and appal Telegraph readers as much… 697 руб9View From the Top. An Inside Look at How People in Power See and Shape the World , D. Lindsay Michael
Learn leadership from the best—proven insights from the power elite in business, government, and beyond View from the Top brings readers inside the corridors of power and relates the personal… 1821.11 руб электронная книга10QR Codes Kill Kittens. How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, and Drive Your Business into the Ground , Scott Stratten
Easy to digest tips and tools on how not to run a business Experts are constantly telling us what we need to be doing to improve our businesses. Hundreds of books in the market are filled with advice… 1172.91 руб электронная книга