
  • 61Not! — interj. Not really so! (A tag phrase added to the end of a statement, changing it from affirmative to negative. There is usually a pause before Not!, which is said on a level pitch somewhat higher than the sentence that comes before.) □ Of course …

    Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • 62not — adverb 1》 (also n t joined to a preceding verb) used chiefly with an auxiliary verb or ‘be’ to form the negative. 2》 used as a short substitute for a negative clause. 3》 used to express the negative of other words.     ↘used with a quantifier to… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 63not — 2 not (< anot) praep. su gen., nõt Dsn, Ad žr. anot: Not tėvo betariant, taip ir yra J. Not to žmogaus betarant Kv. Not jūs pasakos, ir čia tep atsitiko Ldvn. Įkandin įslinko į vidų minėtasis Jonukas, vienturtis Vingių sūnus, not tėvo… …

    Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • 64not —  1) smooth, polled or shorn ; not sheep, sheep without horns. Ess. That field is not, that field is well tilled. Berks.  2) a game used in Gloucestershire, where the parties, ranged on opposite sides, with each a bat in their hands, endeavour to… …

    A glossary of provincial and local words used in England

  • 65NOT — Logical NOT (Computing » Assembly) * Not On Tobacco (Medical » Physiology) * Novato, California USA (Regional » Airport Codes) * New Orleans Terminal (Regional » Railroads) * Notation or note (Computing » File Extensions) …

    Abbreviations dictionary

  • 66Not — 1. Dilemma, Kalamität, missliche Lage/Situation, Misslichkeit, Notfall, Notlage, Notsituation, Notstand, schwierige Lage/Situation, Schwierigkeit, Zwangslage; (bildungsspr.): Malaise, Misere; (ugs.): Bredouille, Klemme, Patsche, Schlamassel,… …

    Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • 67not in —    at home but unwilling to see or speak to a caller    A synonym for not at home:     Weren t you told she was not in? (Chandler, 1943 a caller was being rebuffed by the servant of the person he wished to speak to) …

    How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • 68NOT — neigimo operatorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. NOT; NOT operator vok. NICHT Operator, m rus. оператор НЕ, m pranc. opérateur de négation, m; opérateur NON, m …

    Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • 69not — (Adj.) [no:d/noud] dringend erforderlich, nötig, notwendig ( daad not, dass ma an Garten giassn; ...a gscheits Essen wär jetzt not) …

    Bayrische Wörterbuch von Rupert Frank

  • 70not in it — phrasal slang : not in the same class : hopelessly outclassed simply is not in it as far as skill and brains are concerned …

    Useful english dictionary