Order of exercise

  • 51Executive Order 13233 — ExecutiveOrder|13233 limits access to the records of former United States Presidents. It was drafted by then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and issued by President George W. Bush on November 1, 2001. Section 13 of Order 13233 revoked… …


  • 52Honors and awards of the Order of the Arrow — It is important to distinguish between awards, honors, and membership levels in the Order of the Arrow – the honor camping society of the Boy Scouts of America. The Founder s Award, the Red Arrow Award, and the Distinguished Service Award… …


  • 53The Order of Christ Sophia — (OCS) is a Christian organization that was founded in 1999. The OCS describes itself as a holy order and spiritual school that offers training in the doctrines of Christian mysticism.[1] The OCS shares beliefs with two very distinct movements,… …


  • 54Secular Franciscan Order — The Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) is a community of Roman Catholic men and women in the world who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Secular Franciscans are tertiaries, or members of the Third Order… …


  • 55Missouri Executive Order 44 — Lilburn Boggs, who issued Missouri Executive Order 44, the so called Extermination Order . Missouri Executive Order 44, also known as the Mormon Extermination Order [1] (alt. exterminating order)[2] …


  • 56New Order (Nazism) — Part of a series on Nazism …


  • 57Executive order (United States) — Executive orders may also be issued at the state level by a state s Governor.U.S. Presidents have issued executive orders since 1789, usually to help direct the operation of executive officers. Some orders do have the force of law when made in… …


  • 58Anti-Social Behaviour Order — An Anti Social Behaviour Order or ASBO (pronEng|ˈæzbəʊ) in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland [http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/breaking/2006/1229/breaking9.htm Asbos come into force on Monday] The Irish Times news report, 29 December …


  • 59List of New Order Jedi characters — A number of fictional Jedi characters appeared in the Post Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe and were part of Luke Skywalker s New Jedi Order.CilghalStar Wars character name=Cilghal caption= color= Jedi source= position=Jedi Master, Jedi… …


  • 60Complete partial order — In mathematics, directed complete partial orders and ω complete partial orders (abbreviated to dcpo, ωcpo or sometimes just cpo) are special classes of partially ordered sets, characterized by particular completeness properties. Complete partial… …
