
  • 21Cinema italiano in DVD - liv. 3 (+ DVD) , Roberto Aiello (2008)
    La serie“Cinema Italiano in DVD” offre allo studente la possibilit&# 224; di studiare la lingua italiana attraverso la visione di brevi film. Sono disponibili 3 DVD, uno per ogni livello… 2572 руб

  • 22Ambarab&# 224; , Culicchia G. (2011)
    La citta e una citta. Sopra, arterie d'asfalto. Sotto, vene di plastica. Dappertutto un continuo viavai di corpi lungo strade e attraverso stanze, su e giu per corridoi, ascensori, scale mobili… 1122 руб

  • 23Perfect Your German Complete Course (+ Audio CD) , Coggle Paul (2011)
    Do you want to be able to listen to, speak, read and write German confidently? Do you want the convenience of being able to learn at home or on the move? Whether you are starting from scratch, or are… 5832 руб

  • 24Perfect Your Italian Complete Course (+ Audio CD) , Lymbery Sylvia (2011)
    Do you want to be able to listen to, speak, read and write Italian confidently? Do you want the convenience of being able to learn at home or on the move? Whether you are starting from scratch, or… 5832 руб

  • 25Forum: Methode de francais 3: Cahier d'exercices , Annie Berthet, Robert Menand (2002)
    Complement du livre de l'eleve Forum 3, le cahier d'exercices pei met de renforcer les apprentissages, en particulier linguistiques, encore utiles a un niveau 3. Il comprend des exercices qui suivent… 949 руб

  • 26How to Tell a Story and Other Essays , Марк Твен
    A hilarious and cutting critique of what not to do, this deliciously wicked essay lays out what writers should and must do if they want their fiction to live and breathe― as Twain's own fiction… руб электронная книга

  • 27Konzentration trainieren
    Dieses handliche Buch im Pocket-Format gibt praktische Tipps, wie die Aufmerksamkeit gezielt geschult werden kann. Erfahren Sie, welche Faktoren sich negativ auf die Konzentrationsf&# 228;higkeit… 477 руб

  • 28The Mindfulness Colouring Book: Anti-Stress Art Therapy for Busy People (2015)
    We all lead busy lives, rushing around on autopilot, charging from place to place, multi-tasking at work, taking care of our families and trying to stay in touch with friends. But we now know that… 969 руб

  • 29Schritte 3+4: Intensivtrainer (+С D) , Daniela Niebisch (2008)
    Schritte 3+4 Intensivtrainer. Mit Audio-CD Dieser Intensivtrainer enth?lt: zusatzliche Aufgaben zu den Bereichen Grammatik, Wortschatz, Horen, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben Lerntipps unterhaltsame… 558 руб

  • 30Schritte 1+2: Niveau A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Intensivtrainer (+ CD) , Daniela Niebisch, Franz Specht (2007)
    Der Intensivtrainer zu Schritte 1 und 2 ist eine Verbindung aus Testheft und Ubungsbuch fur das selbststandige Lernen zu Hause. Durch das Punktesystem und die Auswertung am Ende jeder Lektion erhalt… 629 руб