1Rupture , Simon Lelic (2010)
'Find what you were looking for, Inspector'? Every day the same question. A different uniform but the same question. They thought Lucia enjoyed being here. They thought that was why she kept coming… 562 руб2Rupture , Саймон Лелич (2010)
От издателя:From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. In the wake of a London school shooting, Det. Insp. Lucia May finds herself unable to accept the simple version of what transpired in… 256 грн (только Украина)3Rupture De Contrat , Coben Harlan (2004)
Sale temps pour l'agent sportif Myron Bolitar. Ex-champion de basket, ex-agent du FBI, il est pourtant habitu&# 233; aux coups durs. Sauf que l&# 224;, c'est vraiment tordu: son poulain, le… 791 руб4Rupture de contrat , Coben (2007)
Разрыв контракта – лихо закрученная история о продажности ФБР и грязном бизнесе порно-индустрии. В этой… 839 руб5Rupture de contrat , Coben Harlan (2007)
Sale temps pour l`agent sportif Myron Bolitar. Ex-champion de basket, ex-agent du FBI, il est pourtant habitu&233; aux coups durs. Sauf que l&224;, c`est vraiment tordu : son poulain, le prometteur… 1023 грн (только Украина)6Rupture (изд. 2010 г. ) , Simon Lelic (2010)
`Find what you were looking for, Inspector`? Every day the same question. A different uniform but the same question. They thought Lucia enjoyed being here. They thought that was why she kept coming… 761 грн (только Украина)7Rupture De Contrat , Coben H. (2011)
Jusqu'&# 224; pr&# 233;sent, Myron Bolitar, agent sportif, officiait plut&# 244;t en seconde division. Mais en prenant sous son aile le quaterback le plus prometteur de sa g&# 233;n&# 233;ration… 706 руб8Fault Zone Dynamic Processes. Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture , Thomas Mitchell M.
Why do earthquakes happen? What properties control the dynamic rupture and what are the processes at play? Chapters in the present volume capture the current state of the art by displaying an… 13123.89 руб электронная книга9Rule and Rupture. State Formation Through the Production of Property and Citizenship , Christian Lund
Rule and Rupture– State Formation Through the Production of Property and Citizenship examines the ways in which political authority is defined and created by the rights of community membership and… 2698.92 руб электронная книга10The formal specification of the elements of stress in cartesian, and in cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates. On the modes of rupture of an open concrete shell under axial pressure , Gwyther R F (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 411 руб