Sell for

  • 11sell — /sel/ noun an act of selling ♦ to give a product the hard sell to make great efforts to persuade customers to buy it ■ verb 1. to give goods in exchange for money ● to sell something on credit ● The shop sells washing machines and refrigerators.… …

    Marketing dictionary in english

  • 12sell — /sel/ verb 1. to give goods in exchange for money ● to sell something on credit ● The shop sells washing machines and refrigerators. ● They tried to sell their house for £100,000. ● Their products are easy to sell. 2. to be sold ● These items… …

    Dictionary of banking and finance

  • 13sell — Synonyms and related words: abalienate, advertise, alien, alienate, amortize, argue into, assign, assure, ballyhoo, bark, barter, be convincing, be in, be sold, bequeath, betray, bill, boost, brim, bring, bring home to, bring in, bring over,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 14sell — [sel] vt. sold, selling [ME sellen < OE sellan, to give, offer, akin to Goth saljan, to offer (sacrifice): caus. formation in sense “to cause to take” < IE base * sel , to take, grasp > SALE, Gr helein, to take] 1. to give up, deliver,… …

    English World dictionary

  • 15sell — vb sold, sell·ing vt 1: to transfer ownership of by sale compare barter, convey, give 2: to offer for sale …

    Law dictionary

  • 16Sell — (s[e^]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sold} (s[=o]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Selling}.] [OE. sellen, sillen, AS. sellan, syllan, to give, to deliver; akin to OS. sellian, OFries. sella, OHG. sellen, Icel. selja to hand over, to sell, Sw. s[ a]lja to sell,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 17sell — ► VERB (past and past part. sold) 1) hand over in exchange for money. 2) deal in (goods or property). 3) (of goods) attain sales. 4) (sell out) sell all of one s stock of something. 5) (sell up) sell all of one s proper …

    English terms dictionary

  • 18sell — O.E. sellan to give, from P.Gmc. *saljanan (Cf. O.N. selja to hand over, deliver, sell; O.Fris. sella, O.H.G. sellen to give, hand over, sell; Goth. saljan to offer a sacrifice ), perhaps a causative form of the root of O.E. sala sale. One of the …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 19Sell side — is an expression used in financial markets. It refers to firms that take orders from Buy side firms and then work the orders. This is typically achieved by splitting them into smaller orders which are then sent directly to an exchange or to other …


  • 20Sell Out — For the album by The Who, see The Who Sell Out. For the album by Pist.On, see $ell.Out. For the song by Reel Big Fish, see Sell Out (song). See also Sold Out (disambiguation) or Selling Out (disambiguation). Infobox Album Name = Sell Out Type =… …
