Sell for

  • 111sell on — verb to resell. Rather than sell the companys products on commission they, like distributors, buy stock from head office and sell it on for profit …


  • 112Sell — 1. A recommendation to sell a particular security. 2. The process of liquidating an asset in exchange for money. Exact definitions vary by brokerage, but this rating is generally worse than neutral, but better than strong sell …

    Investment dictionary

  • 113sell — [OE] The underlying etymological meaning of sell is ‘give up, hand over’, but gradually the notion of handing something over in exchange for something else, particularly money, led to its present day sense. Both meanings co existed in Old English …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 114sell out —    to betray    But not necessarily for cash:     You ll sell me out fast. And you won t have any five thousand dollars. (Chandler, 1958)    A sell out is such betrayal, or any agreement of which you happen to disapprove, such as the settlement… …

    How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • 115sell-out — UK / US noun [singular] 1) a performance, sports event etc for which all the tickets are sold Their London concert was a sell out. 2) informal a situation in which someone does something that is the opposite of what they had promised or that… …

    English dictionary

  • 116ˌsell ˈout — phrasal verb 1) if a shop sells out of something, it sells all that it has so that there is no more available I went to get some bread, but the shop had sold out.[/ex] On a hot day, we can sell out of ice cream in an hour.[/ex] 2) if products,… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 117sell — [OE] The underlying etymological meaning of sell is ‘give up, hand over’, but gradually the notion of handing something over in exchange for something else, particularly money, led to its present day sense. Both meanings co existed in Old English …

    Word origins

  • 118sell·out — /ˈsɛlˌaʊt/ noun, pl outs [count] 1 : a game, concert, etc., for which all seats are sold The concert/game/performance was a sellout. 2 a : an occurrence in which you do something that does not agree with your beliefs …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 119sell down — verb a) To become less by being sold. Dont order any potato cakes for 3 days while what we have sells down. b) To reduce by selling. Dont order any potato cakes for 3 days while we sell down our stocks., or …


  • 120For Your Eyes Only (short story collection) — Infobox Book name = For Your Eyes Only translator = image caption = First edition cover published by Jonathan Cape. author = Ian Fleming cover artist = Richard Chopping (Jonathan Cape ed.) country = United Kingdom language = English series =… …
