Sell for

  • 21sell your body — phrase to have sex with people because they pay you money Thesaurus: sex for moneyhyponym Main entry: sell * * * sell your body : to accept money in exchange for sex • • • Main Entry: ↑sell * * * …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 22SELL Student Games — is a multisport event that is open for all university and college students all over the world. The name of the games are according to the first letters of the hosting countries, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in their respective languages …


  • 23sell-out — sell outs also sellout 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N n If a play, sports event, or other entertainment is a sell out, all the tickets for it are sold. Their concert there was a sell out. ...sell out shows. 2) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N to n… …

    English dictionary

  • 24sell out — {v.} 1a. To sell all of a certain thing which a store has in stock. * /In the store s January white sale the sheets and pillowcases were sold out in two days./ 1b. To sell all the stock and close the store; go out of business. * /The local… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 25sell out — {v.} 1a. To sell all of a certain thing which a store has in stock. * /In the store s January white sale the sheets and pillowcases were sold out in two days./ 1b. To sell all the stock and close the store; go out of business. * /The local… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 26sell on — To sell (what one has bought) to someone else • • • Main Entry: ↑sell * * * ˌsell ˈon [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they sell on he/she/it sells o …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 27sell — [v1] exchange an object for money advertise, auction, bargain, barter, be in business*, boost, clinch the deal, close, close the deal, contract, deal in, dispose, drum, dump, exchange, handle, hawk, hustle, market, merchandise, move, peddle,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 28sell out — sell [v1] exchange an object for money advertise, auction, bargain, barter, be in business*, boost, clinch the deal, close, close the deal, contract, deal in, dispose, drum, dump, exchange, handle, hawk, hustle, market, merchandise, move, peddle …

    New thesaurus

  • 29For sale by owner — For the film, see For Sale by Owner (film). An example of a For Sale By Owner yard sign. For Sale By Owner, or FSBO (   …


  • 30sell-out — ˈsell out noun [singular] MARKETING if a product, share offer, event etc is a sell out, it is very successful and lots of people buy it or go there, and no more products, shares, tickets etc are available: • The $200 million five year bonds were… …

    Financial and business terms