Small pail

  • 1pail — n. pl. pailfuls [pāl] n. [ME paile < OE pægel, small measure, wine vessel < LL pagella (dim. of L pagina,PAGE1), a small page, in VL, a measure of area, later a measure of volume: infl. by OFr paele, a pan < L patella: see PATELLA] 1. a… …

    English World dictionary

  • 2pail — (n.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. paielle warming pan, liquid measure, bath, possibly from L. patella small pan, dish, dim. of patina broad shallow pan (see PAN (Cf. pan) (n.)). Old English had pægel wine vessel, but etymology does not support a… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 3pail —  , pale  The first is a small bucket; the second means lacking color.  The expression is beyond the pale. Historically the Pale signified the areas of Ireland controlled by the English; lands beyond were therefore beyond English control …

    Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • 4pail, pale —    The first is a small bucket; the second means lacking color …

    Dictionary of troublesome word

  • 5pail, pale —    The first is a small bucket; the second means lacking color …

    Dictionary of troublesome word

  • 6pail — noun a bucket. Derivatives pailful noun (plural pailfuls). Origin ME: origin uncertain; cf. OE pægel gill, small measure and OFr. paelle pan, liquid measure, brazier …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 7Milk Pail Restaurant — Country Tea Room U.S. National Register of Historic Places …


  • 8blickey — noun or blickie also blicky ˈblikē (plural blickeys or blickies) Etymology: Dutch blikje, diminutive of blik pail, tin, from Middle Dutch blic, blec; akin t …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9kit — I Cleveland Dialect List a small tub II North Country (Newcastle) Words properly a covered milking pail with two handles, but often applied to a small pail of any sort …

    English dialects glossary

  • 10Tessaratomidae — Pycanum rubens, an adult from the Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia (Photo by Alan Cressler) …
