Stand on end
1stand on end — verb To stand erect, bristle, especially from fear …
2make your hair stand on end — see ↑hair • • • Main Entry: ↑end make your hair stand on end informal ◇ If something makes your hair stand on end, it frightens you. Just hearing his voice makes my hair stand on end. • • • Main Entry: ↑hair make your hair stand …
3make your hair stand on end — make (your) hair stand on end to cause you to be very frightened. Massey s detailed account of the battle made my hair stand on end. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form feel your hair stand on end to recognize you are very frightened: I could …
4make hair stand on end — make (your) hair stand on end to cause you to be very frightened. Massey s detailed account of the battle made my hair stand on end. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form feel your hair stand on end to recognize you are very frightened: I could …
5make someone's hair stand on end — HORRIFY, shock, appal, scandalize, stun; make someone s blood run cold; informal make someone s hair curl. → hair * * * make someone s hair stand on end To frighten or astonish someone greatly • • • Main Entry: ↑hair * * * make someone’s hair… …
6hair stand on end — {informal} The hair of your head rises stiffly upwards as a sign or result of great fright or horror. * /When he heard the strange cry, his hair stood on end./ * /The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end./ Compare: BLOOD RUN COLD,… …
7hair stand on end — {informal} The hair of your head rises stiffly upwards as a sign or result of great fright or horror. * /When he heard the strange cry, his hair stood on end./ * /The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end./ Compare: BLOOD RUN COLD,… …
8hair\ stand\ on\ end — informal the hair of your head rises stiffly upwards as a sign or result of great fright or horror. When he heard the strange cry, his hair stood on end. The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end. Compare: blood runs cold, heart in one …
9make hair stand on end — If you are absolutely terrified of something, it makes your hair stand on end. Just the thought of getting on a plane makes my hair stand on end …
10make someone's hair stand on end — make (someone s) hair stand on end to make someone feel very frightened. The thought of jumping out of an aeroplane makes my hair stand on end …