
  • 1Empress Maria Feodorovna'Favorite Residences in Russia and in Denmark , Корнева Галина, Чебоксарова Татьяна (2010)
    "Thirty-two of the unparalleled fifty-two Easter eggs created by Carl Faberge were gifts for Empress Maria Feodorovna. Even his royal clients didn't know what he had created for them until the day… 2139 руб

  • 2Empress Maria Feodorovna' Favorite Residences in Russia and in Denmark , Галина Корнева, Татьяна Чебоксарова (2010)
    `Thirty-two of the unparalleled fifty-two Easter eggs created by Carl Faberge were gifts for Empress Maria Feodorovna. Even his royal clients didn`t know what he had created for them until the day… 1023 грн (только Украина)