
  • 101Gift of the Holy Ghost — The Gift of the Holy Ghost is a Christian term referenced in the Bible and in the Latter Day Saint movement.BibleThe term The Gift of the Holy Ghost is a biblical reference from the message which was preached in Acts 2 by the Apostle Peter. [Acts …


  • 102Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross — The Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross, commonly called Crosiers, are a Roman Catholic religious order. A group of Crosiers with their Master General, Willem van Hees (on the right), in front of their former monastery in Fort Wayne,… …


  • 103Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus — The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus is celebrated in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar observance found in the liturgical calendar, at least at local level, since the end of the fifteenth century. The veneration of the Holy Name was extended …


  • 104Academy of the Holy Cross — The Academy of the Holy Cross, a Catholic college preparatory school sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Cross since 1868, is dedicated to educating young women in a Christ centered community which values diversity. The Academy is committed to… …


  • 105Academy of the Holy Names (Albany, New York) — The Academy of the Holy Names, in Albany, New York, is a Middle States accredited Catholic girls college preparatory school for ages pre kindergarten through twelfth grade. It is located within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany. The school was …


  • 106Procession of the Holy Ghost —    The word Procession is used to express the relation in the Blessed Trinity between the Father and the Holy Ghost. As we believe that the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, so we believe that the Holy Ghost is a Person eternally… …

    American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • 107Holy Spirit — Ho′ly Spir′it n. 1) rel the spirit of God 2) thl rel Holy Ghost • Etymology: 1350–1400 …

    From formal English to slang

  • 108holy spirit — In Christian theology the cosubstantial third member of the Trinity. Commonly symbolized by a dove or pigeon, its distinct substantial existence has been denied, for example, by the 4th century pneumatomachi (adversaries of the spirit) denounced… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 109Holy Spirit — noun (singular) God in the form of a spirit according to the Christian religion …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 110Holy Spirit — third person of the Trinity, Holy Ghost (Christianity) …

    English contemporary dictionary