Venus's fly-trap
1venus's-fly-trap — n. (Bot.) Carolina catch fly plant …
2fly|trap — «FLY TRAP», noun. 1. any one of several plants that trap insects, especially Venus s flytrap and the pitcher plant. 2. a trap to catch flies …
3Venus fly·trap — / ˈflaıˌtræp/ noun, pl ⋯ traps [count] : a plant that has the tip of each leaf formed into a trap for capturing insects which it eats …
4Ve|nus's-fly|trap — «VEE nuh sihz FLY TRAP», noun. a plant of the coasts of the Carolinas, whose hairy leaves have two lobes at the end that fold together to trap and ingest insects. It belongs to the same family as the sundew. ╂[American English < Venus] …
5Venus — n. (pl. Venuses) 1 the planet second from the sun in the solar system. 2 poet. a a beautiful woman. b sexual love; amorous influences or desires. Phrases and idioms: Venus (or Venus s) fly trap a flesh consuming plant, Dionaea muscipula, with… …
6Venus — O.E., from L. Venus (pl. veneres), in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of beauty and love, especially sensual love, from venus love, sexual desire, loveliness, beauty, charm, from PIE root *wen to strive after, wish, desire, be satisfied (Cf …
7Venus Flytrap — For other uses, see Venus Flytrap (disambiguation). Venus Flytrap Venus Flytrap leaf …
8fly — 1. v. & n. v. (flies; past flew; past part. flown) 1 intr. move through the air under control, esp. with wings. 2 (of an aircraft or its occupants): a intr. travel through the air or through space. b tr. traverse (a region or distance) (flew the… …
9Venus-Fliegenfalle — Venusfliegenfalle Venusfliegenfalle (Dionaea muscipula) Systematik Klasse: Dreifurchenpollen Zweikeimblättrige (Rosopsida) …
10Venus's flytrap — flytrap fly trap (fl[imac] tr[a^]p), n. 1. A trap for catching flies. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A plant {(Dion[ae]a muscipula)}, called also {Venus s flytrap}, having two lobed leaves which are fringed with stiff bristles, and fold together when… …