
  • 51xanthous — Yellowish; yellow colored. [G. xanthos, yellow] * * * xan·thous (zanґthəs) yellow or yellowish …

    Medical dictionary

  • 52Miltonia flavescens — Yellowish Miltonia Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): An …


  • 53rusting — yellowish or brownish discolouration often around the vent and belly and on cut surfaces causing a rancid flavour. Caused mainly by a reaction between fat oxidation products and nitrogenous substances when inadequately stored …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 54orris oil —       yellowish, semisolid, fragrant essential oil obtained from the roots of the Florentine iris (Iris florentina) and used as a flavouring agent, in perfume, and medicinally. The use of orris oil to flavour candies, soft drinks, and gelatin… …


  • 55Jaundice, neonatal — Yellowish staining of the skin and whites of the newborn’s eyes (sclerae) by pigment of bile (bilirubin). In newborn babies a degree of jaundice is normal. It is due to the breakdown of red blood cells (which release bilirubin into the blood) and …

    Medical dictionary

  • 56Neonatal jaundice — Yellowish staining of the skin and whites of the newborn’s eyes (sclerae) by pigment of bile (bilirubin). In newborn babies a degree of jaundice is normal. It is due to the breakdown of red blood cells (which release bilirubin into the blood) and …

    Medical dictionary

  • 57Physiologicjaundice of the newborn — Yellowish staining of the skin and whites of the newborn’s eyes (sclerae) by pigment of bile (bilirubin). In newborn babies a degree of jaundice is normal. It is due to the breakdown of red blood cells (which release bilirubin into the blood) and …

    Medical dictionary

  • 58pseudoicterus — Yellowish discoloration of the skin not due to bile pigments, as in Addison disease. SYN: pseudojaundice. * * * pseu·do·ic·ter·us (soo″do ikґtər əs) pseudojaundice …

    Medical dictionary

  • 59elastic fibers — yellowish fibers of elastic quality, composed of a core of cross linked elastin surrounded by fibrillin microfibrils, traversing the intercellular substance of connective tissue; called also yellow f s …

    Medical dictionary

  • 60flavescent — yellowish or turning yellow Colour Terms …

    Phrontistery dictionary