act of spitting

  • 1spitting — noun the act of spitting (forcefully expelling saliva) • Syn: ↑spit, ↑expectoration • Derivationally related forms: ↑expectorate (for: ↑expectoration), ↑spit, ↑spit ( …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 2Spitting — or expectoration is the act of forcibly ejecting saliva or other substances from the mouth. It is normally considered rude and a social taboo in many parts of the world, though spitting can still be occasionally observed in some places. It is… …


  • 3spitting — n. act of expelling saliva from the mouth, expectorating adj. that spits, that ejects saliva from the mouth spɪt n. saliva; act of ejecting saliva; pointed rod on which meat is roasted; perfect likeness; light rainfall or snowfall; narrow… …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 4Cherry pit spitting — is the act of spitting, or ejecting, the pit (the seed) of a cherry from one s mouth with great speed so as to send the pit a great distance. Spitting cherry pits is an amateur sport; there are no professional leagues of cherry spitters known,… …


  • 5Conventicle Act 1664 — A sermon in the mountains A Covenanters Conventicl …


  • 6expectoration — 1. Mucus and other fluids formed in the air passages and upper food passages (the mouth), and expelled by coughing. SEE ALSO: sputum (1). 2. The act of spitting; the expelling from the mouth of saliva, mucus, and other material from the air or… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 7spit — I. /spɪt / (say spit) verb (spat or spit, spitting) –verb (i) 1. to eject saliva from the mouth; expectorate. 2. to do this at or on a person, etc., to express hatred, contempt, etc. 3. to sputter. 4. to fall in scattered drops or flakes, as rain …

  • 8spit — spit1 spitlike, adj. /spit/, v., spit or spat, spitting, n. v.i. 1. to eject saliva from the mouth; expectorate. 2. to express hatred, contempt, etc., by or as if by ejecting saliva from the mouth. 3. to sputter: grease spitting on the fire. 4.… …


  • 9spit — Ⅰ. spit [1] ► VERB (spitting; past and past part. spat or spit) 1) eject saliva forcibly from one s mouth. 2) forcibly eject (food or liquid) from one s mouth. 3) say in a hostile way. 4) (o …

    English terms dictionary

  • 10spitter — Ⅰ. spit [1] ► VERB (spitting; past and past part. spat or spit) 1) eject saliva forcibly from one s mouth. 2) forcibly eject (food or liquid) from one s mouth. 3) say in a hostile way. 4) (o …

    English terms dictionary