arm in arm

  • 91Secrets in Burracombe , Harry Lilian (2012)
    A seemingly sleepy Devonshire village, Burracombe is in fact full of intrigue and drama. Family secrets, budding romance, cruel twists of fate and amazing friendships all play out against the… 869 руб

  • 92La promesse de l'aube , Gary Romain (2009)
    «- Tu seras un h&# 233;ros, tu seras g&# 233;n&# 233;ral, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Ambassadeur de France - tous ces voyous ne savent pas qui tu es !Je crois que jamais un fils n'a ha&# 239; sa m&#… 1096 руб

  • 93Skeleton Crew , King Stephen (2012)
    Hold tight. We are going into a number of dark places, but I think I know the way. Just don't let go of my arm... Unrivalled master of suspense Stephen King takes the unsuspecting reader on a… 668 руб

  • 94La Chartreuse de Parme (+ Audio CD) , Stendhal (2013)
    Jeune noble italien, Fabrice del Dongo r&# 234;ve d’aventure et de gloire militaire. Voil&# 224; pourquoi il rejoint l’arm&# 233;e de Napol&# 233;on et assiste&# 224; la bataille de Waterloo… 1056 руб

  • 95Le Colonel Chabert , Balzac Honore de (2011)
    Tous l'avaient cru mort au cours de la bataille d'Eylau. Pourtant un matin, un vieil homme entre dans l'&# 233;tude de Ma&# 238;tre Derville et pr&# 233;tend&# 234;tre cet intr&# 233;pide colonel de… 518 руб

  • 96Wild Cards. Busted Flush , George R.R. Martin (2013)
    In the six decades since the alien plague known as the Wild Card virus spread a wave of mutations around the globe, humanity has begun to come to terms with its consequences. Grotesque half-human… 869 руб

  • 97News of a Kidnapping , Gabriel Garcia Marquez (2014)
    Pablo Escobar: billionaire drugs baron, ruthless manipulator, brutal killer and jefe of the infamous Medellin Cartel. A man whose importance in the international drug trade and renown for his… 1139 руб

  • 98The Innocent Man , Grisham John (2017)
    John Grisham's first work of non-fiction, an exploration of small town justice gone terribly awry, is his most extraordinary legal thriller yet. In the major league draft of 1971, the first player… 777 руб

  • 99A Stroke of Midnight , Hamilton Laurell K. (2013)
    I am Meredith Gentry, P. I., solving cases in Los Angeles, far from the peril and deception of my real home-because I am also Princess Meredith, heir to the darkest throne faerie has to offer. The… 765 руб

  • 100Twelve , Jasper Kent (2010)
    Melding the supernatural and the historical, a thrilling novel of vampires set in the Napoleonic wars. In June 1812, Napoleon's massive grande arm?e began its invasion of Russia, and the imperial… 709 руб