1Enhanced Phase-Locked Loop Structures for Power and Energy Applications , Masoud Karimi-Ghartema
Filling the gap in the market dedicated to PLL structures for power systems Internationally recognized expert Dr. Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani brings over twenty years of experience working with PLL… 9188.33 руб электронная книга2Enhanced Indexing Strategies. Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance , Tristan Yates
Leveraged index investments, including index futures, options, and ETFs, are one of the fastest growing products in finance, as both retail and institutional investors are attracted to their… 4682.84 руб электронная книга3Enhanced Oil Recovery. Resonance Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of Petroleum Reservoirs , R. Ganiev F.
Fossil fuels, especially petroleum, are still the primary energy source all over the world. With the advent of hydraulic fracturing (i.e.“fracking”), directional drilling, and other technological… 15057.96 руб электронная книга4Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence , Chris Geddes D.
Discover how metal-enhanced fluorescence is changing traditional concepts of fluorescence This book collects and analyzes all the current trends, opinions, and emerging hot topics in the field of… 12721.73 руб электронная книга5Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence , Chris Geddes D.
Discover how metal-enhanced fluorescence is changing traditional concepts of fluorescence This book collects and analyzes all the current trends, opinions, and emerging hot topics in the field of… 12586.15 руб электронная книга6Surface Plasmon Enhanced, Coupled and Controlled Fluorescence , Chris Geddes D.
Explains the principles and current thinking behind plasmon enhanced Fluorescence Describes the current developments in Surface Plasmon Enhanced, Coupled and Controlled Fluorescence Details methods… 15057.96 руб электронная книга7German For Dummies, Enhanced Edition , Anne Fox
The fun and easy way to learn the fascinating language of German with integrated audio clips! German For Dummies, Enhanced Edition uses the renowned Berlitz approach to get you up and running with… 1625.34 руб электронная книга8Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery , Qi Li
This is the fourth volume in a series of books focusing on natural gas engineering, focusing on two of the most important issues facing the industry today: disposal and enhanced recovery of natural… 15829.4 руб электронная книга9Grammar and Beyond Level 3 Enhanced Teachers Manual with CD-ROM , Пол Карне (2014)
Based on extensive research, Grammar and Beyond ensures that students study accurate information about grammar and apply it in their own speech and writing. The Enhanced Teacher&# 039;s Manual, Level… 592 грн (только Украина)10Technology Enhanced Language Learning: connecting theory and practice , Goodith White (2013)
How can you use technology for pedagogic purposes in the language classroom? Technology Enhanced Language Learning discusses how the use of technology opens up opportunities for learning, how it… 2065.8 руб электронная книга