be commensurate with
1commensurate with — index pursuant to Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2commensurate — adj. commensurate to, with (a reward commensurate with the results achieved) * * * [kə menʃ(ə)rɪt] with (a reward commensurate with the results achieved) commensurate to …
3commensurate — [[t]kəme̱nsərət[/t]] ADJ: v link ADJ with/to n, ADJ n If the level of one thing is commensurate with another, the first level is in proportion to the second. [FORMAL] Employees are paid salaries commensurate with those of teachers... Managers saw …
4commensurate — adjective 1) they had privileges but commensurate duties Syn: equivalent, equal, corresponding, correspondent, comparable, proportionate, proportional 2) a salary commensurate with your qualifications Syn: appropriate to, in keeping with …
5commensurate — adjective Etymology: Late Latin commensuratus, from Latin com + Late Latin mensuratus, past participle of mensurare to measure, from Latin mensura measure more at measure Date: 1641 1. equal in measure or extent ; coextensive < lived a life… …
6commensurate — com|men|su|rate [kəˈmenʃərıt] adj [Date: 1600 1700; : Late Latin; Origin: commensuratus, from Latin com ( COM ) + Late Latin mensuratus measured ] matching something in size, quality, or length of time commensurate with ▪ Salary will be… …
7commensurate — adjective formal matching something in size, quality, or length of time (+ with): a salary commensurate with your experience …
8commensurate — commensurately, adv. commensurateness, n. commensuration /keuh men seuh ray sheuhn, sheuh /, n. /keuh men seuhr it, sheuhr /, adj. 1. having the same measure; of equal extent or duration. 2. corresponding in amount, magnitude, or degree: Your… …
9commensurate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. comparable, analogous (see similarity). II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. comparable, equivalent, proportionate, corresponding; see alike 2 , equal . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY WORD) a.… …
10commensurate — com|men|su|rate [ kə menʃərət ] adjective FORMAL intended to be suitable for the quality, status, or value of something or someone: a pay increase commensurate with job performance …