become malignant

  • 61osteoma — /os tee oh meuh/, n., pl. osteomas, osteomata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. a benign tumor composed of osseous tissue. [1840 50; OSTE + OMA] * * * ▪ pathology       small, often solitary bone tumour found mainly on bones of the skull. Osteomas usually… …


  • 62precancer — 1. adjective Before the onset of cancer. 2. noun An incipient form of cancer that may become malignant if not treated …


  • 63human papillomavirus — an icosahedral DNA virus, 55 nm in diameter, of the genus Papillomavirus, family Papovaviridae; certain types cause cutaneous and genital warts; other types are associated with severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and …

    Medical dictionary

  • 64leukoplakia — A white patch of oral or female genital mucous membrane that cannot be wiped off and cannot be diagnosed clinically as any specific disease entity; in current usage, a clinical …

    Medical dictionary

  • 65neurilemoma — SYN: schwannoma. [neurilemma + G. oma, tumor] acoustic n. schwannoma arising from cranial nerve VIII. Antoni type A n. relatively solid or compact arrangement of neoplastic …

    Medical dictionary

  • 66polyposis — Presence of several polyps. [polyp + G. osis, condition] adenomatous p. coli SYN: familial adenomatous p.. familial adenomatous p. (FAP) [MIM*175100] p. that usually begins in childhood; polyps increase in number …

    Medical dictionary

  • 67Contact normalization — is a process by which intercellular junctions mediate signals that allow normal cells to inhibit the transformed growth of neighboring tumor cells. Intimate junctional contact between tumor cells and normal cells is needed for this form of growth …


  • 68familial adenomatous polyposis — n a disease of the large intestine that is marked by the formation esp. in the colon and rectum of numerous adenomatous polyps which typically become malignant if left untreated, that may be either asymptomatic or accompanied by diarrhea or… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 69Gardner's syndrome — Gard·ner s syndrome gärd nərz n a familial polyposis that is characterized by numerous adenomatous polyps in the colon which typically become malignant if left untreated, by osteomas (as of the skull or mandible), and by skin tumors, that is… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 70Shope papilloma — shōp also Shope s papilloma shōps n a transmissible fibroma of cottontail rabbits that occurs esp. on the legs, feet, and ears, is caused by a poxvirus (species Rabbit fibroma virus of the genus Leporipoxvirus), and has under certain… …

    Medical dictionary