
  • 11bewilder — v confuse, puzzle, perplex, baffle, mystify, stump, Inf. bamboozle, Inf. buffalo; nonplus, obfuscate, stun, daze, confound, stupefy, stagger; amaze, astound, astonish, muddle, bemuddle, mix up; befuddle, befog, becloud …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 12muddy — adj 1. miry, mucky, oozy, sludgy, slushy, sloshy, sloppy, squashy, squishy, squelchy, slimy, feculent; dirty, grimy, grubby, Sl. grungy; boggy, marshy, swampy, fenny, quaggy, sloughy, turbid. 2. dingy, sooty, smoky, smudgy, fulginous, murky;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 13mystify — v confuse, confound, bewilder, perplex, nonplus, baffle, puzzle, Inf. bamboozle, Inf. buffalo, Inf. stump; disconcert, stagger, stun, daze, astonish, astound, dumfound, boggle; fuddle, befuddle, muddle, bemuddle, fog, befog, mix up, fool, delude …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 14perplex — v 1. mystify, confound, bewilder, nonplus, baffle, puzzle, make uncertain, put to it, Inf. bamboozle, Inf. buffalo, Inf. stump; disconcert, Inf. discombobulate, stagger; abash, embarrass, put [s.o.] at a disadvantage or loss; stun, stupefy, daze …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 15puzzle — n 1. acrostic, crossword puzzle; anagram, logogriph, word game; jigsaw puzzle; Chinese puzzle. 2. enigma, mystery, riddle, conundrum, question, question mark; problem, dilemma, quandary, plight, predicament; maze, labyrinth, tangle, knot; secret …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder