1Communication , Каролин Бойз (2010)
The communication secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Communication. Includes how to: Use body language to build… 224 грн (только Украина)2Communication in Investigative and Legal Contexts. Integrated Approaches from Forensic Psychology, Linguistics and Law Enforcement , Tim Grant
Communication in Forensic Contexts provides in-depth coverage of the complex area of communication in forensic situations. Drawing on expertise from forensic psychology, linguistics and law… 4629.33 руб электронная книга3Communication Skills For Dummies , Elizabeth Kuhnke
The key to perfecting your communication strategy Great communication skills can make all the difference in your personal and professional life, and expert author Elizabeth Kuhnke shares with you her… 976.77 руб электронная книга4Communication Essentials for Financial Planners. Strategies and Techniques , John Grable E.
Exploring the Human Element of Financial Planning Communication Essentials for Financial Planners tackles the counseling side of practice to help financial planners build more productive client… 3251.98 руб электронная книга5Communication Acoustics. An Introduction to Speech, Audio and Psychoacoustics , Ville Pulkki
In communication acoustics, the communication channel consists of a sound source, a channel (acoustic and/or electric) and finally the receiver: the human auditory system, a complex and intricate… 8493.82 руб электронная книга6Communication Progressive du Francais Des Affaires , Жан-Люк Перфонис (2013)
Pour lesétudiants ou les professionnels de niveau intermédiaire (niveau B1 du CECR), désireux de communiquer en français dans un environnement professionnel. La Communication progressive des… 486 грн (только Украина)7Communication progressive du fran&# 231;ais Niveau avanc&# 233;: Corrig&# 233;s avec 525 exercices , Miquel Claire (2016)
Niveau avanc&# 233;. Pour bien communiquer aux niveaux B2 et C1 - Une organisation claire: la le&# 231;on sur la page de gauche; les activit&# 233;s communicatives sur la page de droite. - 47… 862 руб8Communication progressive du fran&# 231;ais- avanc&# 233; - Livre + CD audio Nouvelle couverture (+ Audio CD) , Claire Miquel (2017)
Pour bien communiquer aux niveaux B2 et C1. Une organisation claire: la le&# 231;on sur la page de gauche, les activit&# 233;s communicatives sur la page de droite. 47 chapitres pr&# 233;sentant les… 1852 руб9Communication Strategies for Managing Conflict. A Guide for Academic Leaders , Mary Lou Higgerson
The conflict management guide academic leaders have been searching for Communication Strategies for Managing Conflict gives academic leaders the tools and insight they need to effectively manage… 3243.24 руб электронная книга10Communication Networks Economy , Daniel Battu
In an increasingly interconnected world,«Communication Networks Economy» provides the rational understanding necessary to provide universal access to communication means in an efficient way. This… 10810.32 руб электронная книга