critical juncture

  • 31crunch — Synonyms and related words: appulse, atomize, bang, bang into, belch, bind, bite, blare, blat, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brunt, bulldozing, bulling, bump, bump into, burr, buzz, cackle, cannon, carambole, carom, carom… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 32climacteric — n 1.Physiology. menopause, change of life; crucial age, grand climacteric. 2. crisis, crux, crunch, crest; crossroads, turning point, critical moment or point, critical period, crucial moment, critical juncture, juncture, moment of truth, climax …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 33junction — junctional, adj. /jungk sheuhn/, n. 1. an act of joining; combining. 2. the state of being joined; union. 3. a place or point where two or more things are joined, as a seam or joint. 4. a place or point where two or more things meet or converge.… …


  • 34junction — junc•tion [[t]ˈdʒʌŋk ʃən[/t]] n. 1) an act of joining or the state of being joined 2) a place or point where two or more things meet, converge, or are joined 3) rai a place or station where railroad lines meet, cross, or diverge 4) trs an… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 35Steve Buckhantz — Infobox Person name = Steve Buckhantz birth name = Steven Buckhantz birth date = July 19 1955 and age 53 birth place = Arlington, Virginia death date = death place = occupation = Sportscaster spouse = ?? parents = children = 0Steve Buckhantz… …


  • 36Battle of Krasnoi — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Krasnoi partof=Napoleon s invasion of Russia caption= Battle of Krasnoi , by Piter von Hess date=November 15 18, 1812 place=Krasny, Russia result=Russian Victory combatant1= combatant2=… …


  • 37hinge — Synonyms and related words: accrue from, ankle, arbor, arise from, articulate, articulation, axis, axle, axle bar, axle shaft, axle spindle, axle tree, batten, batten down, be based on, be contingent on, be dependent on, be due to, be predicated… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 38pass — Synonyms and related words: OK, abalienate, abandon, abysm, abyss, accept, access, accredit, act like, administer, adopt, advance, affiliate, affirm, aggrandize, agree to, aisle, alien, alienate, alley, allow, ambulatory, amen, amortize, answer,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 39crisis — n. 1. Acme, height, decisive turn, turning point, critical juncture. 2. Exigency, emergency, juncture, conjuncture, pass, strait, rub, pinch, push, critical situation …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 40conjuncture — n 1. circumstances, state of affairs, set of conditions; context, environment, total situation, status quo, Inf. the picture or whole picture, Inf. the story. 2. coincidence, concurrence, co occurrence; simultaneity, simultaneousness;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder