dance attendance on

  • 121attend — v 1. go to, be present at, sit in on, visit, frequent, haunt. 2. come with, occur with, coexist with; belong to, be an appendage of, be an adjunct to, be an annex to, be part of; result from, be consequent to, be a consequence of, follow from,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 122bow — I v 1. kneel before, salaam, genuflect, curtsey, nod, bob; prostrate oneself, fall on one s knees, lie prone, throw oneself at the feet of; bend the knee to, bend to, humble oneself to, defer to, stoop, get down. 2. bow and scrape grovel, truckle …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123cringe — v 1. cower, shrink, quail, blench, flinch, wince, start, recoil, shy, Inf. funk, Sl. mooch; shake, tremble, quiver, Inf. shake in one s boots or shoes, kowtow, bow, bow before, bow to, bow and scrape, bend, bend before, stoop, squat, crouch,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124cultivate — v 1. dress, till, till the soil, farm, work, work the land; plow, spade, dig, delve, hoe, harrow, rake; fertilize, manure, compost. 2. civilize, develop, improve, improve [s.o. s] mind, enlighten, educate, school; train, discipline; refine,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125fawn — v kowtow, bow, bow before, bow and scrape, stoop, crouch; kneel, fall on one s knees, fall at the feet of, prostrate oneself; grovel, crawl, creep, creep before, slither, Sl.Tom; cringe, cower, squirm; toady, toady to, truckle, truckle to,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126flatter — v 1. compliment, salute, praise, laud, belaud, extol, exalt, celebrate, glorify, eulogize, panegyrize, adulate, trumpet, cry up, ring or sing [s.o. s] praises; puff, puff up, inflate, magnify, blow up, overpraise, praise to excess, praise to the… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127grovel — v 1. kowtow, bow, bow before, bow to, bow and scrape, bend, bend before, stoop, squat, crouch, slouch, hunch; cringe, cower, squirm; whine, whimper, snivel; lick [s.o. s] shoes, lick or kiss [s.o. s] feet, kiss the hem of [s.o. s] garment, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128ingratiate — v 1. get on the good or right side of, Inf. rub the right way, worm or work oneself in, Inf. get in with, Inf. get cozy or tight with; gain influence, win friends and influence people. 2. flatter, wheedle, cajole, blandish, Inf. soft soap, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder