
  • 111expunge — /akspanj/ To destroy; blot out; obliterate; erase; efface designedly; strike out wholly. The act of physically destroying information including criminal records in files, computers, or other depositories …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 112fabricated fact — In the law of evidence, a fact existing only in statement, without any foundation in truth. An actual or genuine fact to which a false appearance has been designedly given; a physical object placed in a false connection with another, or with a… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 113false — Not true. Term also means: artificial; counterfeit; assumed or designed to deceive, Sentinel Life Ins. Co. v. Blackmer, C.C.A.Colo., 77 F.2d 347, 352; contrary to fact, In re Davis, 349 Pa. 651, 37 A.2d 498, 499; deceitful; deliberately and… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 114falsely — In a false manner, erroneously, not truly, perfidiously or treacherously. Dombroski v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 126 N.J.L. 545, 19 A.2d 678, 680. Knowingly affirming without probable cause. The word falsely , particularly in a criminal statute …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 115false statement — Statement knowingly false, or made recklessly without honest belief in its truth, and with purpose to mislead or deceive. Third Nat. Bank v. Schatten, C.C.A.Tenn., 81 F.2d 538, 540. An incorrect statement made or acquiesced in with knowledge of… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 116consulto — /kansaltow/ In the civil law, designedly; intentionally …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 117cujus per errorem dati repetitio est, ejus consulto dati donatio est — /kyuwjas par aroram deytay repatish(iy)ow est, iyjas kansaltow deytay daneysh(iy)ow est/ He who gives a thing by mistake has a right to recover it back; but, if he gives designedly, it is a gift …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 118estoppel — /AstopAl/ Estoppel means that party is prevented by his own acts from claiming a right to detriment of other party who was entitled to rely on such conduct and has acted accordingly. Graham v. Asbury, 112 Ariz. 184, 540 P.2d 656, 658. A principle …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 119ex industria — /eks indsstriya/ With contrivance or deliberation; designedly; on purpose …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 120expunge — /akspanj/ To destroy; blot out; obliterate; erase; efface designedly; strike out wholly. The act of physically destroying information including criminal records in files, computers, or other depositories …

    Black's law dictionary