1Amati! , Dose R. (2017)
Puoi essere l'uomo o la donna pi&# 249; forte sulla faccia della Terra, ma quando la persona a cui tieni se ne va, crolli. E tu rimani l&# 236;. Fermo. A fissare il vuoto. A fissare il nulla. In un… 1810 руб2Alles tote Dose , Gudrun Giese (2005)
487 руб3A treatise on the horse and his diseases... giving all the principal drugs used for the horse, with the ordinary dose, effects, and antidote when a poison... the horse... and... other... information , Kendall B J (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 686 руб4Alles tote Dose , Gudrun Giese (2005)
630 грн (только Украина)5The Dose Makes the Poison. A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology , Ottoboni M. Alice
This new edition of a widely-read and highly-acclaimed book broadens the scope of its predecessors from a heavy focus on industrial chemicals as toxicants to include drugs, food additives, cosmetics… 2493.61 руб электронная книга6Computed Tomography. Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications , Willi Kalender A.
The book offers a comprehensive and user-oriented description of the theoretical and technical system fundamentals of computed tomography (CT) for a wide readership, from conventional single-slice… 2181.42 руб электронная книга7Jan Matejko , J.Starzynski (1973)
Zwalczano Matejko z bardzo roznych pozycji spolecznych i ideologicznych. Zwalczala go arystokracja i burzuazja, a zwlaszcza konserwatysci z krakowskiej szkoly "Stariczykow", za to, ze nie byl dose… 780 руб8Physics for Radiation Protection , James Martin E.
A practical guide to the basic physics that radiation protection professionals need A much-needed working resource for health physicists and other radiation protection professionals, this volume… 15683.63 руб электронная книга9Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology , Krishnan Kannan
Governments around the world are passing laws requiring industry to assess the toxicity of the chemicals and products they produce, but to do so while reducing, refining, or even replacing testing on… 14985.1 руб электронная книга10Medical Imaging. Essentials for Physicians , Patrizio Capasso
"An excellent primer on medical imaging for all members of the medical profession . . . including non-radiological specialists. It is technically solid and filled with diagrams and clinical images… 8258.66 руб электронная книга