examine diligently
1Councils of Clovesho — The Councils of Clovesho were a series of synods in England in the eighth and ninth centuries. The location of Clovesho has never been conclusively identified, though it must have been in or near the kingdom of Mercia, but also relatively… …
2Councils of Clovesho — Councils of Clovesho † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Councils of Clovesho Clovesho, or Clofeshoch, is notable as the place at which were held several councils of the Anglo Saxon Church. The locality itself has never been successfully… …
3pore — I. n. Orifice, spiracle, small opening. II. v. n. Brood, dwell, look steadily, fix the attention, give one s mind, read steadily, examine diligently …
4The Roman Congregations — The Roman Congregations † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Roman Congregations Certain departments have been organized by the Holy See at various times to assist it in the transaction of those affairs which canonical discipline and the… …
5Schools — • History and development of education as related to the church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Schools Schools † …
6Metzora (parsha) — Metzora, Metzorah, M’tzora, Mezora, Metsora, or M’tsora (מְּצֹרָע Hebrew for “one being diseased,” the ninth word, and the first distinctive word, in the parshah) is the 28th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah… …
7Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union — Soviet Union …
8Thomas J. Arnold — was an English Protestant missionary to China in the late nineteenth century during the Qing Dynasty.Decision to go to ChinaAs a young man in London he felt beckoned to missionary service after experiencing an enlightening sermon at the West… …
9Inspiration of Ellen White — Seventh day Adventists believe church co founder Ellen G. White was inspired by God as a prophet , understood today as a manifestation of the New Testament [Spiritual gift| [spiritual] gift] of prophecy . Her inspiration (compare: Biblical… …
10Thirty-Nine Articles — The Thirty Nine Articles of Religion were established in 1563, and are the historic defining statements of Anglican doctrine in relation to the controversies of the English Reformation; especially in the relation of Calvinist doctrine and Roman… …