farthest limit

  • 1situated at the farthest limit — index extreme (last) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2limit — [n1] greatest extent absolute, bitter end*, border, bottom line*, bound, bourne, breaking point*, brim, brink, cap, ceiling, check, circumscription, conclusion, confinement, confines, curb, cutoff point*, deadline, destination, edge, end, end… …

    New thesaurus

  • 3limit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Boundary Nouns limit, boundary, bounds, confines; curbstone, term, edge; compass; bourne, verge, pale; termination, terminus, end, terminal, extremity; stint; frontier, precinct, border, marches,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 4limit — Synonyms and related words: Thule, Ultima Thule, abate, accommodation, acme, adjust to, all, alter, apex, apogee, appoint, area, assign, assuage, bar, be into, be strong in, bitter end, border, border line, bottom dollar, bound, boundary,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 5extreme — I (exaggerated) adjective aggrandized, amplified, beyond the limit, drastic, enlarged, exceeding, exceeding the bounds of moderation, excessive, exorbitant, fanatical, flagrant, going to the utmost lengths, going too far, gross, hyperbolic,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 6ultima Thule — /ʌltəmə ˈθjul/ (say ultuhmuh thyoohl) noun 1. the uttermost degree obtainable: * This is sanctuary indeed, a far away unknown region, Ultima Thule, she sank into a round, apricot coloured armchair. –elizabeth jolley, 1983. 2. the farthest limit… …

  • 7Stirling engine — Alpha type Stirling engine. There are two cylinders. The expansion cylinder (red) is maintained at a high temperature while the compression cylinder (blue) is cooled. The passage between the two cylinders contains the regenerator …


  • 8bound — [adj] obligated; destined apprenticed, articled, bent, bounden, certain, coerced, compelled, constrained, contracted, doomed, driven, duty bound, enslaved, fated, firm, forced, having no alternative, impelled, indentured, intent, made,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 9bounds — bound [adj] obligated; destined apprenticed, articled, bent, bounden, certain, coerced, compelled, constrained, contracted, doomed, driven, duty bound, enslaved, fated, firm, forced, having no alternative, impelled, indentured, intent, made,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 10ultima Thule — ultima Thule1 [ul′ti mə tho͞o′lē] n. [see ULTIMA THULE2] 1. any far off, unknown region 2. the farthest limit, uttermost degree, etc. ultima Thule2 [ul′ti mə tho͞o′lē] [L, farthest Thule] THULE (northernmost region) …

    English World dictionary