
  • 121betoken — verb, literary 1) a small gift betokening regret Syn: indicate, be a sign of, be evidence of, evidence, manifest, mean, signify, denote, represent, show, demonstrate, bespeak 2) the blue sky betokened a day of …

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  • 122forebode — verb, literary the scarlet sky forebodes the visitation of mischief Syn: presage, augur, portend, herald, warn of, forewarn of, foreshadow, be an omen of, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote; literary betoken …

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  • 123foreshadow — verb those things that foreshadow war are sadly upon us Syn: signal, indicate, signify, mean, be a sign of, suggest, herald, be a harbinger of, warn of, portend, prefigure, presage, promise, point to, anticipate; informal spell; literary forebode …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 124foretell — verb 1) the locals can foretell a storm Syn: predict, forecast, prophesy, prognosticate; foresee, anticipate, envisage, envision, see See note at predict 2) dreams can foretell the future …

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  • 125harbinger — noun I long to see the robins, crocuses, and other harbingers of spring Syn: herald, sign, indication, signal, portent, omen, augury, forewarning, presage; forerunner, precursor, messenger; literary foretoken …

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  • 126omen — noun the torrential rains on day one of their journey was an omen of things to come Syn: portent, sign, signal, token, forewarning, warning, foreshadowing, prediction, forecast, prophecy, harbinger, augury, auspice, presage; straw in the wind,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 127portend — verb the sight of a dead bird was believed to portend tragedy Syn: presage, augur, foreshadow, foretell, prophesy; be a sign, warn, be an omen, indicate, herald, signal, bode, promise, threaten, signify, spell, denote; literary betoken, foreto …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 128portent — noun 1) a portent of things to come Syn: omen, sign, signal, token, forewarning, warning, foreshadowing, prediction, forecast, prophecy, harbinger, augury, auspice, presage; writing on the wall, indication, hint; l …

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