indicate by a mark

  • 101check mark — ˈcheck mark noun [countable] a mark that you put next to an answer to show that it is correct, or against an item on a list to show that you have dealt with it; = CHECK; , tick Ame: • Put a check mark in the box to indicate the type of claim you… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 102Safe water mark — A Safe Water Mark, as defined by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, is a sea mark used in maritime pilotage to indicate the end of a channel implying that open, deep and safe water lies ahead. The marker is also sometimes… …


  • 103Special mark — A Special Mark, as defined by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, is a sea mark used in maritime pilotage to indicate the boundary of an administrative area such as a speed limit, water skiing or mooring area.It is… …


  • 104accent mark — noun Date: 1884 1. a. accent 5a b. accent 8 2. a. a symbol used to indicate musical stress b. a mark placed after a letter designating a note of music to indicate in which octave the note occurs …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 105Sarcasm mark — A sarcasm mark or sarcasm point identifies text as being derogatory or ironic. Although never known traditionally in Ethiopia, a sarcasm mark has been introduced in the Unicode set of Ethiopian characters Ethiopic languages, [cite web… …


  • 106staccato mark — noun : a pointed vertical stroke or a dot that is put over or under a musical note to be produced staccato * * * (in music notation) a dot, wedge, or vertical stroke over or under a note to indicate that it should be played staccato. [1900 05] *… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 107Isolated danger mark — to indicate a hazard to shipping such as a partially submerged rock.It is recognisable by its black and red bands and top mark of two black also* Navigation * Lateral mark * Cardinal mark *Safe water mark * Special mark …


  • 108St Mark's Clocktower — is a clock tower situated on St Mark s Square in Venice, adjoining the Procuratie Vecchie. It houses the most important clock in the city, St Mark s Clock (alternatively known as the Torre dell Orologio or the Moors Clocktower).It was constructed …


  • 109Japan postal mark — syllable te (テ), from the word teishin (逓信 communications).To indicate a postal code, the mark is written first, and the postal code is written after. For example, one area of Meguro, Tokyo, would have 〒153 0061 written on any mail, in order to… …


  • 110question mark — 1. The principal use of the question mark (?) is to indicate a direct question: Are they leaving tomorrow? / What time is it? It is also used when the question is put in the form of a statement: They told you that? / Surely it s the same one? / I …

    Modern English usage