inflammation of the eye

  • 111iridocyclitis — Inflammation of both iris and ciliary body. SEE ALSO: iritis, uveitis. [irido + G. kyklos, circle (ciliary body), + itis, inflammation] i. septica SYN: Behçet syndrome. * * * iri·do·cy·cli·tis sī klīt əs, si …

    Medical dictionary

  • 112Vitamins — The word vitamin was coined in 1911 by the Warsaw born biochemist Casimir Funk (1884 1967). At the Lister Institute in London, Funk isolated a substance that prevented nerve inflammation (neuritis) in chickens raised on a diet deficient in that… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 113Biological pigment — The Blue Morpho butterfly, native to Central America, derives its distinctive blue coloring from iridescence rather than from pigmentation. Biological pigments, also known simply as pigments or biochromes[1] are substances produced by living… …


  • 114Croonian Lecture — The Croonian Lectures are prestigious lectureships given at the invitation of the Royal Society and the Royal College of Physicians.[citation needed] Among the papers of William Croone at his death in 1684, was a plan to endow one lectureship at… …


  • 115Retinal vasculitis — The retina is the portion of the eye that contains the nerves of sensation that perceive light. It is also filled with tiny blood vessels. Vasculitis of the eye is typically the result of inflammation of the tiny blood vessels of the retina. This …

    Medical dictionary

  • 116Vasculitis, retinal — The retina is the portion of the eye that contains the nerves of sensation that perceive light. It is also filled with tiny blood vessels. Vasculitis of the eye is typically the result of inflammation of the tiny blood vessels of the retina. This …

    Medical dictionary

  • 117capsulitis — Inflammation of the capsule of an organ or part, as of the liver, the lens of the eye, or surrounding a joint. adhesive c. a condition in which there is limitation of motion in a joint due to …

    Medical dictionary

  • 118Loiasis — The disease caused by the eye worm known as loa loa, a parasite that lives in humans and other primates. People contract the parasite when bitten by infected deer flies. The larvae of the worm enter the bloodstream and later develop into adult… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 119Nonbacterial prostatitis — Inflammation of the prostate not due to bacterial infection. The prostate is a walnut sized organ below the male bladder that surrounds the urethra and contributes fluid to the semen. Nonbacterial prostatitis is typically a chronic, painful… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 120Prostatitis, nonbacterial — Inflammation of the prostate not due to bacterial infection. The prostate is a walnut sized organ below the male bladder that surrounds the urethra and contributes fluid to the semen. Nonbacterial prostatitis is typically a chronic, painful… …

    Medical dictionary