inflammation of the eye

  • 31Arabic influence on the Spanish language — has been significant, due to the Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula between 711 and 1492 A.D. (see Al Andalus). Modern day Spanish language (also called castellano in Spanish) first appeared in the small Christian Kingdom of Castile in… …


  • 32Ophthalmia — Inflammation of the eye. Also known as ophthalmitis. * * * 1. Severe, often purulent, conjunctivitis. 2. Inflammation of the deeper structures of the eye. [G.] catarrhal o. a mild form of conjunctivitis with mucopurulent secretion. caterpillar… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 33Vitreous humour — The vitreous humour (British spelling) or vitreous humor (U.S. spelling) is the clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina of the eyeball of humans and other vertebrates. It is often referred to as the vitreous body or simply… …


  • 34Ophthalmitis — Inflammation of the eye. Also known as ophthalmia. * * * oph·thal·mi·tis .äf .thal mīt əs, .äp , thəl n OPHTHALMIA * * * n. inflammation of the eye. See conjunctivitis, uveitis. * * * oph·thal·mi·tis (of″thəl miґtis) [ophthalm + itis]… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 35List of dog diseases — This list of dog diseases is a continuously updated selection of diseases and other conditions found in the dog. Some of these diseases are unique to dogs or closely related species, while others are found in other animals, including humans. Not… …


  • 36History of Medicine —     History of Medicine     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of Medicine     The history of medical science, considered as a part of the general history of civilization, should logically begin in Mesopotamia, where tradition and philological… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 37Crohn's disease — Classification and external resources The three most common sites of intestinal involvement in Crohn s disease are ileal, ileocolic and colonic.[ …


  • 38Allergic conjunctivitis — Allergic eye disease Classification and external resources Allergic conjunctivitis ICD 9 372.14 …


  • 39infectious disease — Introduction       in medicine, a process caused by a microorganism that impairs a person s health. An infection, by contrast, is the invasion of and replication in the body by any of various microbial agents including bacteria, viruses (virus),… …


  • 40respiratory disease — ▪ human disease Introduction  any of the diseases and disorders that affect human respiration (respiration, human).  Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to do with breathing, including the… …
